Friday, December 22

Movie Meme

The title of the entry is Tagged With a Movie Meme.

Popcorn or Candy? My sweet tooth will tell you Candy, but I prefer Popcorn with a Coke.

Name a movie you've been meaning to see forever. Blade Runner

Steal one costume from a movie for your wardrobe. The Orange and Blue tuxedos from Dumb & Dumber.

Your favorite film franchise is: I would have to go with The Matrix trilogy. The Back to the Future trilogy is second. Oh yeah, and the Indiana Jones series.

Invite five movie people over for dinner. Who are they? Why'd you invite them? What do you feed them? Vince Vaughn, Steve Carrell. I like to laugh, and I think these guys would have me cracking up all night. Daniel Craig and Clive Owen- because these guys are the coolest. And probably throw in Salma Hayek for some eye candy. I would feed them Buffalo Wild Wings and Beer!

What is the appropriate punishment for people who answer cell phones in the movie theater? Everyone gets to throw food and hard candy at them the whole movie, or until they leave.

Choose a female bodyguard: Ripley from Aliens, Mystique from X-Men, Sarah Connor from Terminator 2, The Bride from Kill Bill, or Mace from Strange Days. The Bride from Kill Bill. Nothing says “Don’t mess with me” like a tall blonde with a sword watching your back.

What's the scariest thing you've ever seen in a movie? I don’t really get too scared at movies anymore, but when I was younger, In "The Shining" when the blood flowed out of the elevator doors and they kept showing those two creepy twin girls. And also in Blair Witch Project, I know it was staged, but at the end when they showed that dude standing in the corner of the basement, freaked me out.

Your favorite genre (excluding "comedy" and "drama") You mean there are other genres??

You are given the power to greenlight movies at a major studio for one year. How do you wield this power? I would enlist my good friend McGone and his creative mind to help create the best movie ever! I picture it involving K-Fed as the star, Tara Reid as the costar, and I see Elephants, Robots, spiders and clones, LOTS of clones of K-Fed. I figure K-Fed’s celebrity weight will gross us over $500M!

Bonnie or Clyde? Never seen it, but I will choose Bonnie because she sounds like a badass.

Since this is right up your alley, I TAG you McGone, and also Single Girl, Jessie, Dagger and Reynolds Rap.


Jessie said...

I did it! Woot!

McGone said...

I did it! Woot Woot!