Wednesday, November 8

These days

I hate the first week of November during an election year. With all the political commercials, and mass phone calls to my house. Now I have to hear about the flawed voting system, the delay in counting of the ballots (for a race that is already decided) and have to look at that hag Topinka on TV talking about what a great race her team ran. Blah. Blah. Blah.

How is this country ever going to get anything right if year after year we can't even figure out how to vote correctly? Yeah the voting machines may be hard to figure out, if you are a dog, or any other 4 legged animal. As a society, we are just dumb if we can't properly select one choice over the other. Whether it be electronic, or a punch card. I bet the people who say "The voting was too hard to figure out" spend hours sitting on their computer clicking their mouse on the selections they want to purchase from eBay. So if you can figure out eBay, why can't you figure out a simple multiple choice ballot??


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