Monday, November 27

It has finally happened....

As BPDP pointed out to me Saturday night as we left for the show at 6pm and it was 60 degrees on Nov 25th...."Global Warming has finally caught up to us." Ain't that the truth.Here it is, 4 days away from December and the weather gods on TV are still predicting near 60 for the next few days. But then on Thursday they say it will be 30 and chance of snow. You have to love Midwest Winters! I can remember some years when we would have a ton of snow at Christmas, but others when I was outside riding my bike in a sweatshirt on Christmas. It is actually pretty scary to think about where our world is heading.

All joking aside....I am not a big tree hugger, or Greenpeace advocate, but when you see the effects of mankind over the years, it is pretty disheartening to think about what the planet will be like when my kids are in their 30's. Man has evolved and advanced so much in technology, that we are killing ourselves.
As Perry Ferrel put it:

My friend says we're like the dinosaurs
Only we are doing ourselves in
Much faster than they
Ever did

It just amazes me that in almost 20 yrs since I did a report on Chlorofluorocarbons for a a junior high report, not much has been done to decrease the effects of global warming. All the governments talk about it, but the rich claim it will cause them more money to implement methods in their power plants. So the rich stay rich, and the world continues to die.

Sorry, I normally do not go all "earthy" but when I watch a program on how the Northern Arctic ice sheet is smaller every year, and it is causing the natives to lose food, it really spells out how bad this is.

Then I saw this photo on Google and it makes you think about what the future holds:


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