Friday, November 24

Giving of Thanks

Well, another Thanksgiving has come and go, and I will be eating Turkey for the next week. It's all good though. This year we went out to Thomson to have Thanksgiving at Gramma E's place. Majority of my dad's family still lives there, and it has been a few years since we had it out there. Was nice to go back, even if dad was not with us. My cousin Dawn has 2 boys and they play well with Ryan and Brett, so we knew the kids would have fine.

I can sum up yesterday with a few choice words:

1. Travel - 2 hours drive each way, over the river and through the woods, to grandmother's house. Seriously, we go over a river and through some woods.

2. Snots - all 3 kids have come down with colds, so there were lots of sneezes, coughs and running noses. The van was full of soiled Kleenex when we got home.

3. Turkey - no explanation needed.

4. Vomit - Isabel decided to show off her projectile vomiting skills right before we left the house. Not something you want to see before you get in the car for a 2 hour drive.

5. Wet Pants - on the way back home, about 40 minutes into the drive, I have the following conversation with Ryan:
Ryan - "Daddy, I have to go pee pee"
Me - "Oh buddy, can you hold it for a little bit till we stop?"
Ryan - "OK"
................. 2 minutes later......................
Ryan - "Daddy.... I went pee pee in my pants"
Me - "What?! Really?"
As I lean back to check his pants, all the doubt in my mind was erased as I felt his soaked jeans. Now when I say soaked, I really mean drenched. The boy was literally swimming in his own urine. He shirt was wet all the way up his chest, and his pants were soaked down to the knee.

I know what you are asking yourselves.. "Did you have him go before you left?" But he was asleep when we left, then woke up after he started driving. Thank god we had an extra set of clothes. I changed him in the back, and we were good till we got home. This amazes me.... he can survive a 12 hour trip to PA without an accident, but 2 hours to the western border of IL? Nope. We drove home with the back windows vented the rest of the time.

So I can be thankful that the pee incident was the worst thing that happened, and that everyone arrived back home safely, and fun was had by all. The kids still have the colds today, but seem to be getting a little better. We have one more place to go on Sunday, but that is only 40 minutes away, so lets hope for no accidents.

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