Tuesday, October 31

You knew it was going to happen...

This is so pathetic, but you knew this was going to be a costume idea this year. I just can't believe a celebrity - wait is Bill Maher really a celebrity? - stooped this low to wear this out in public. Funny thing is, he looks frickin' WASTED in this shot. And DAYUMMM he has got a huge nose! It is so sad that people are going to dress up as Steve Irwin. But it would be pretty easy, I am sure a lot of people have khaki shorts, so all you need is a khaki shirt and some construction boots. (I admit, I wore them with my tightrolled jeans in the late 80's!)


McGone said...

Saw this on WWTDD, which is where I imagine you got it. He made reference to South Park, which does make this more pathetic - Satan was having a "Super Sweet 16 Costume Party" on Halloween (long story) and everyone in hell was going. All of them were shocked when they saw someone dressed up as Steve Irwin and Satan said "It's too soon, man, that's just in bad taste" until he realized it WAS Steve Irwin. But yeah, Bill Maher should have taken note. He's an Asshat.

Slinger said...

Yes WWTDD is where I got it. I cut out Chris Kline :o) South Park makes it so much funnier now. And sad actually.