Thursday, October 19

Long day

Today we are leaving for Pennsylvania - a nice 12 hour drive with the kids. I stayed up last night until 3am to get used to driving all night tonight. Pretty damn tired right now, but have to work until 12. Then go back to sleep for a few hours.
So I am sure I will have plenty of stories come Tuesday! Wish me luck!

Something annoying:
I don't know about ya'll, but the commercials that have a group of friends sitting around talking about Valtrex, or someother drug, and the side effects, like it is everyday conversation....very annoying. Like I am supposed to believe that 3 women are sitting in a night club discussing "if you are pregnant, or nursing, it is not good to take Valtrex..." The drug companies are trying so hard to make it look COOL, when it is really just annoying.

1 comment:

Nicole P. said...

Good luck on your trip!

And that commercial drives me insane. Take it from me, girls don't talk like this. Ever. No one should.