Friday, October 20


Coming at you live from the Hilton Garden Inn, in Gettysburg, PA! Woo-Hoo!

Well, we drove 12 hours last night, from 9pm Chicago time to 9am PA time. Isabel did good, Brett did so-so on the sleeping, and he puked all over his blanket. Ryan, slept maybe a total of 4 hours. He was up all night, and is so exhausted today.

Just a quick post today, as the rest of the family is napping, and I am about too as well. So between the 3 blow-out diapers from Isabel, the puke from Brett and the constant "we gong on a trip?" questions from Ryan....I have slept a total of 2 hours in the past 24 hours. FUN!

I am documenting our trip with pictures so I will add those on Tuesday.


Utah Dagger said...

I remember those, fun, fun. I took a roadtrip this morning with two guys from'll have to check out the pictures. We saw 4 moose...pretty cool.

McGone said...

I saw no moose today. Or ever, actually.