Friday, October 13

Blame it on BLACK FRIDAY

Ok, so today is Friday the 13th, big deal. The two middle-aged (I am being generous on the age) women that sit by me keep talking about how “you know its Friday the 13th, because this morning my coffee machine broke, and I had a dickens of a time finding my keys!” Yeah, blame it on Friday the 13th. Whatever. They annoy me on a daily basis, but today, it seems that their voices are carrying louder and farther. Must be because it’s Friday the 13th, yeah..that's it.

For those of us that work in an office, specifically a cube environment, there are certain things that I am sure annoy everyone. Listed below are a few of my favorites…

1. I listen to my iPod, yet my neighbor will stand up and start a conversation with me, knowing that I have my headphones in, and have not heard a word he said. Then when I say “What?” he replies “Oh, listening to your music?” Duh
2. Sometimes I have to go to a customer site, and will wear a shirt and tie. On these days I hear the same question from said cube neighbor “Big meeting today?” Let’s see, it’s Friday, which is usually jeans and sweatshirt day, and I am wearing a tie. Related: when your shirt is wet and someone asks you “Oh, is it raining out? You do the math.
3. Every so often, I will hear said cube neighbor let out a big *SIGH*, usually after he has just gotten off of a conference call. I believe he does this so one of his fellow cube mates will ask him “Bad call huh?” Yet no one asks him that, but he will proceed to tell us about his bad conf call.
4. The woman 2 cubes over that has a chronic hacking problem. We believe it may be a nervous tick, but she is constantly clearing her throat and coughing.
5. The loud guy 3 isles over that has no regard for decency and will spit out sexual innuendos all day, even though women work all around him.

I may need to invest in this thing:

I know I may be ranting, but it is just like OFFICE SPACE in my office some days. And since today just happens to be Friday the 13th…I am just going to blame it on that. Seeing as how it is only 8:45am, this post may get bigger as the day goes on


McGone said...

Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays, on Friday even.

Anonymous said...

We're going need you to come in this weekend. That would be TERRRIFFFIC!

Also, that CubeShield product looks wicked cool. I think that I'm going to pick one up as well.