Wednesday, September 27

When did I get so old?

Or better yet, when did I realize I was old?
Wow things have changed since I went to grade school, or high school for that matter.
Now that school is back in, I constantly get stuck behind busses on my way to work, and I have begun to notice a few things…

There is a bus stop on almost every corner. When did this happen? When I was in junior high, I had to walk about 4 blocks to get to the designated stop for my area. Now it seems like there is one on every corner. I have to think this is less efficient, seeing as how there are more stops, burning up more fuel. Not to mention the bus drivers have to start earlier in order to make it to school on time.

All these kids have a backpack on wheels! You know the ones I speak of. When we were kids, all you had was a Jansport backpack that you either lugged on your back or dragged, and it was heavy.

Let’s not even mention how easy the kids have it now with the age of computers. All we had in grade school was the old Apple IIe and our assignment was to see how much money we could make selling lemonade in black and green graphics.

All I am saying is that kids are spoiled these days. Yeah they may have more homework, but at least they don’t have to spend hours at the library looking up info in the card catalog or Encyclopedia Britannica.


mansionmogul said...

Yeah, ask a kid what a card catalog is and you get the blank stare. Backpacks on wheels rule. I'm pretty sure "old" people REALLY like those things though.

eslingc said...

Yeah, I remember hoofing it to North St. to stand at the bus stop. The parking lot, ICS across the street, the short bus which would drive by and wouldn't shift gears for the entire block, the BOOKS (with no backpack) I had to carry under my arm... the whole 9 yards.

Back then, I considered Bus 11 to be transportation to the School of Doom. Somehow, I look back on it as a fond memory.

LEMONADE taught me that I'd probably suck at running a business. Ah, how Asimov has brought back memories. It's included on one of the system master disks.

Kids are definitely spoiled these days. Do they even know what a card catalog is? Do teachers teach this stuff anymore?

Slinger said...

Yep, the bus stop on North, EXACTLY! And I doubt they teach card catalogs anymore either!