Thursday, August 31

Sleepless Nights

As many of you know.... MamaSlinger and I are now the proud parents of 3 children...3, 1 and 1 month old. yeah we are nuts. Anyway, you would think the baby would be keeping me up all night, but NO, it's the 1 yr old. The last week he has been sleeping horribly! Waking up every hour until about 11pm, then wide awake anywhere in between 4 and 5am.
It usually takes me about 40 minutes to get him back to sleep, try rocking him, walk around with this time, It is time for me to get in the shower and get ready for work. MamaSlinger is still sleeping (on maternity leave) so I figure I have time to shower, and get ready. 5 minutes later I get out of the shower....Brett is awake, AGAIN, and is crying because he wants me, not mommy. (he is a HUGE daddy's boy, yet all he says is "mama, mama" while he points at me)
This has probably attributed to the fact that I have had bronchitis for over a week now, since my body as not had a good night's sleep and is having a hard time recovering. but I am doing better every day.

Ah, the joys of children! Liek I tell MamaSlinger...."we better get used to this, because we have about 3 more years left of sleepless nights" (and that is being optimistic!)

1 comment:

BPDP said...

I think I read this story in a condom ad somewhere!