Monday, August 7

McGone's Latest Celebrity Crush

This past Saturday I found myself approximately 10 feet away from Kristen Bell, purely due to good timing as she was getting out her car just as I stopped dead in my tracks and went into a hot girl coma.

For those not familiar with the lovely Ms. Bell, she plays the main character on VERONICA MARS (an excellent show that only about 28 of us watch nationwide) and is the star of PULSE, opening this Friday. She also co-starred with Val Kilmer and William H. Macy in a movie I'm pretty sure only I saw - David Mamet's SPARTAN. If you like 24 do yourself a favor and rent SPARTAN... it rawks. That means you, Slinger.

Anyway, those 10 feet between my unworthy self and the radiant Kristen would most definitely violate the restraining order this girl should have against me. Because... damn. She's about 7 different shades of gorgeous.

And tiny. Seriously...the last two pictures above are life size.

Saturday was a strange day all together. Other celebrity sitings include:

Janet and Terri from THREE'S COMPANY (Janet looks the same, Terry looks rode hard, put away wet)
The Hulk himself, Lou Ferrigno
Richard Kiel (Jaws from the Bond movies and Mr. Larson from HAPPY GILMORE) He's approximately the size of Mount Rushmore, btw.
Dirk Benedict (Face from the A-Team)
and I brushed shoulders with Ray Park (the only good thing in STAR WARS: EPISODE 1)

I finally had to leave when I saw the too-hot-for-words Mandy Amano (who is famous for being in a Pepsi commercial for all of 4 seconds) because I kind of felt like I was cheating on Kristen Bell.

And I would never do that.


Slinger said...

Hilarious, and I have to wonder if Mandy Amano is all of a sudden famous for almost no reason, like Kristin Cavillari is famous for nothing.

Broderick said...

Too funny. Where were you in order to see all these celebrities?

McGone said...

I was at a convention in Rosemont, sometimes affectionately referred to as "Geek Prom" (mostly by me). Sort of the pop culture center of the universe for this weekend. I had to push some of the freelance work I have been doing over the past couple years. So it's the type of event that's fun for some, work for others. But when you see Kristin Bell, it's all good.

Janet and Terri being there just didn't make much sense to me. Has Joyce DeWitt done anything besides "Three's Company" and maybe an episode of "Love Boat" and/or "Fantasy Island?"

I've seen Lou Ferrigno several times now. He's ginormous. But if you look at him too long, he charges you $20.

Mandy Amano is one of those people whose "fame" came about thanks to the internet. One guy sees her on a Pepsi commercial, starts a blog about it and the next thing you know she's in Maxim Magazine. I have no problem with that. She was at this convention however because she is dating David Mack, an amazing illustrator. Lucky bastard.

Kristin Cavillari on the other hand is just a poor man's Jessica Simpson.

Broderick said...

Sounds cool. :)