Wednesday, August 30

John Mark Karr

You know, this guy is a total nut case, IMO. The only reason why I can think he would admit to this is to get on television and become popular. But the even weirder thing is how his family is supporting him....

"Though Karr confessed before TV cameras and authorities to the child beauty queen's killing, DNA tests failed to link him to the crime.
Wexford and Nate Karr had always insisted that he was innocent and that he was not in Boulder, Colo., at the time of the slaying.
Nate Karr said the family felt vindicated now that his half brother's innocence was proven.
"It's an innocent person tried and convicted in the media," he said. "

OK - explain to me how he was exploited by the media, when HE WAS THE ONE WHO DECIDED TO CONFESS TO THE MURDER! I honestly do not see how the media tried and convicted a person who willingly admitted to doing the crime, even though there is no direct link to him and JonBenet. Just another crazy trying to get his 15 minutes fo fame.
OR he was in trouble for something worse in Thailand and he thought, "I will admit to that so I will be extradited to the US, and dont have to do time in Thailand, where they will surely cut off my johnson!"

**************UPDATED BELOW BY McGONE**************

Slinger, Slinger, Slinger...

Let me drop some science here.

First of all, John Mark Karr and the media exploited each other. This screwloose was so absorbed by the JonBenet case that he convinced himself what he was feeling was love for this little girl (whom, in her pageant life and tabloid death was exploited more than anyone). John Mark Karr wanted to be publicly connected to JonBenet... the media wanted a top story for the next week's newscasts. If it bleeds, it leads.

Second, the family has to say something, and it's easier to blame the media than remind people that you share DNA with a sexually-confused kiddie diddler.

Finally, John Mark Karr specifically went to Thailand to get his johnson cut off. He went there for gender reassignment, but he wanted to do it at K-Mart prices.

There's no doubt Karr is a Kreep, but man, I called it from the word go. I said there's no way he did it. But aside from his priors, he is guilty... of giving family members false hope, wasting everyone's time and money with that wacky fine dining experience he had on the flight back to the states, and for freaking my shit out when he said he wanted Johnny Depp to play him in the movie.

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