Thursday, August 10

The boys

Our boys
Originally uploaded by Slinger5.
As most of the 4-6 readers of BMI know, there are 2 little Slingers now running around (actually 3 now, but she can't walk yet). And let me tell you, they are a handful. Brett now gets mad at Ryan and will smack him in the head. And then Ryan will push him down. Fun Fun.
But then they chase each other and Ryan will tackle Brett like he is a tackling dummy, to which Brett just laughs.
Then there are the times when they are in the bathtub and I hear Ryan yell "Brett! Don't do that!" only to walk in and find Brett trying to grab Ryan's pee-pee. Brett just laughs. It is funny now because he has realized he has one too, so when he is naked, he sits there and plays with it and laughs. Oh Amy is in for a treat!

Anyway, here they are acting like little angels for 5 seconds.


McGone said...

You better not be raising my boy Ryano to be a hellion. I trusted you!

BPDP said...

They told my parents I'd grow out of that "whenever he's naked he just sits there and plays with it and laughs" phase...I haven't yet!

Think I'll go do that now, actually!

Damn! I can't! Airport security took away my lotion! Frickin' terrorists! They're sitting there laughing at how they disrupted our transportation system / nation...either way, they "win".
Note: I do realize it's better they "win" this way, and not the other way (exploding planes / deaths)! You know they're laughing at our circus media frenzy, though!