Wednesday, June 21

Birthday Followup: Massacre at the Cell

Yesterday, as mentioned, was BPDP's birthday. And after many margaritas, his big birthday plans were to sit back and watch his boys (The Cardinals) have their way with my boys (The Mighty White Sox).

Oh, Brian, someone up there doesn't like you very much.

For the love of Pete, don't they have a 10-run rule like we did in Little League?

***** UPDATE *****
Sox defeat the Cardinals 13-5. Two day run total for the Sox - 33. Total for the Cards...8. Wow, sorry BPD...your team kind of sucks. - posted by slinger


BPDP said...

Ouch! ...and not my head from too many margaritas!

On the plus side...the Cards (and Spiezio - I saw him get his 2 hits and a RBI) did start to come alive once I started watching (too little too late, of course)...guess I should have left a table full of beautiful women (and Shawn, who I tried told to wear a wig) and come home earlier, huh?

Happy B-Day Slinger!

(Still a proud Cardinal fan!!)

Slinger said...

Yeah, Sox score 33 runs in 2 days, today I am 33......coincidence?

BPDP said...

My theory...

LaRussa figures it'll be Cards vs. Sox in the "fall classic." He told the pitchers NOT to throw their good stuff so come fall, they won't know what hit 'em!! helped me sleep last night!

20 years to the day (??) from LaRussa getting canned by the Sox on the 20th and the Sox score 20 runs against him...33 total runs over 2 games on Slinger's 33rd...It is wierd...more so for me, IT SUCKS!