Friday, April 21

Rising Gas Prices

So this morning I am getting ready for work and see on the news that in Beverly Hills, CA, the price for gas was $4.04 a gallon! HOLY SHIT! Makes you wonder. On my way to work the 2 stations I pass are Citgo - $3.09/gal and Shell - $2.99/gal.

The average price for a gallon of unleaded regular gasoline rose to $2.825 a gallon, up more than 2 cents from Wednesday and more than 60 cents from a year ago, according to AAA's daily fuel gauge report.

I live in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, and I thought the Chicago area had the highest prices around. Last weekend was Easter, and I assume the price spiked up due to more people traveling.

It amazes me that people are still shocked when the price goes over $3/gal. With our government wanting to attack everybody, the fear in Americans is increasing. People are afraid that if we attack Iran, then we are going to lose a lot of our oil imports, thus causing a HUGE increase in crude oil, which equals higher pump prices. I would think the government could step in and control the rising costs, but then again, Dubya is an oil man from Texas, so he is probably getting a nice cut of the profits.

Sorry, had to vent. I voted for Bush, but now am realizing just how bad of a job he is really doing.

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