Friday, July 28
Thursday, July 27
Dear ExxonMobil....
.....I would like to congratulate you on your RECENT SUCCESS. I also would like to say "You're Welcome" because I see that you are obviously VERY HAPPY that consumers like me are helping you to meet your goal of U.S. dominance. As I sit at the gas station and top off my tank to a paltry $66.83 total..the amount of time it took me to fill up, you had earned roughly $395,000.00!!
So, before you forgot to send out the THANK YOU letter to all of us purchasing consumers, I would like to say "You're Welcome!"
Posted by
1:13 PM
Wednesday, July 26
In an exclusive interview with People Magazine, former N'Sync band member Lance Bass reveals that he is gay.
In related stories, the sky is still blue and water is wet.
Posted by
1:21 PM
Tuesday, July 25
Sammy So-So thinks he's a god
I honestly do not enjoy taking time out of my day to write about Sammy Sosa, but it just happens when I read something like THIS. Seriously, he thinks the MLB gods should promote him to be the "Saviour" of baseball.
Posted by
11:32 AM
If it was altered as a joke, it's pretty damn funny.
Also, lower left - NO CHECKS HONORED - yeah, they sell "cigarettes"
Look closely, is that El Bobo in the window reflection?
Posted by
10:46 AM
Monday, July 24
Seen it all
Wow, Monday and already have seen something I think is crazy...
Walked into our bathroom here at work and there was a guy using the urinal and brushing his teeth at the same time. Now, both things you need to do, but at the same time, and at work? I don't know, maybe just me, but weird I thought.
Posted by
1:25 PM
Friday, July 21
Hooked on a Feeling
This is so funny I had to add it to the blog. It's amazing he is such a huge hit in Germany.
And the fact that he considers himself a POP STAR!! WOW. No words can explain his celebrity-ness.
Posted by
3:22 PM
Thursday, July 20
Mystery Man
Do you know who I am? I play a professional sport and since I got this haircut, people do not recognize me.
Posted by
1:47 PM
Remember Me?
I am SAMMY SOSA - or as Dahootie and I like to call him "Sammy So-So" Yes, this tool is back in the news, well sort of. Looks like Sammy is planning a comeback, that is if anyone will pay him enough $$ to strike out and plague their clubhouse.
Let me refresh your memory on what happened last year, resulting in him not playing this year.....
His 1 yr contract was not picked up by the Orioles, so he was a free agent. Washington Nationals offered him $1M to play 1 yr, but Sammy was too good for that amount of money. Then they cut that back to $500k, with an invite to spring training to prove he was healthy, he didn't take that either. Per his agent in early 2006:
Posted by
8:35 AM
Wednesday, July 19
TV sucks
What is it with the American broadcasting networks? I mean, I understand it is summer re-run time, and the only station showing a new season of shows is FX (Rescue Me, Always Sunny in Philadelphia), but damn there is NOTHING on TV tonight.
You have your usual local market baseball games, White Sox and Cubs. Don't get me wrong, I love baseball, but being an Atlanta Braves fan, my game watching is limited.
Anyway, on the 3 major networks tonight, at 7pm CDT were the following:
CBS - Rock Star: Supernova
NBC - America's Got Talent
ABC - The One: Making a Music Star
at 8pm CDT on FOX - So You Think You can Dance
COME ON! Do the network execs really think these shows are any good? How many more shows can produce the next BIG MUSIC STAR?!?!? It's so sad that television has resorted to this. It's evenm more sad that MILLIONS of people will line up at a chance to look like a fool on TV. Just look at the Real World on MTV, that is a joke.
Hell, even The Discovery channel has gone to the reality fad. I remember when Discovery channel used to be Bears eating fish, and Lions chasing down Gazelle in the Sahara, now THAT was reality TV!
Posted by
8:43 PM
I got gas.
Wow....I stopped to fill up the Envoy this morning at the local Shell station on my way to work and....
1. the first two pumps I go to have red bags over them that say OUT OF SERVICE. Nice.
2. The one open pump I go to, the idiot in front of me is parked the wrong way, facing toward me so I am not able to pull all the way up, allowing the tank to be even with the pump. No biggie, it reached, but the guy gave me a dirty look when I practically parked on his front bumper, like it's my fault that I had to park so close to HIM.
3. My total? Get ready for this.... $66.39!!!! I have gotten to the point where I do not even look to see how much it is a gallon. ($3.219/gal by the way) Regardless of how much it goes up, I still need it. The economic joys of Supply and Demand.
Posted by
8:32 AM
Tuesday, July 18
Braves kill the Cards
This post is for BPD, since he is a Cardinals fan, and I am a Braves fan....
The Braves continue to sizzle since the beginning of the second half. Wow BPD.. your Cards received a 15-3 shilacking by the Braves, thus ending their 7-game winning streak. That has to be hard to watch.
In the 4 games since the All-Star break, the Braves have scored 51 runs and hit 15 home runs, that's incerdible. They need to start heating up if they are going to catch the Mets!
Posted by
1:43 PM
Putting the "F" back in Freedom.
I watched Team America: World Police the other day, and that movie is so funny, especially now with all the crap that is going on with North Korea. For those of you that have not seen that movie, it is from the South Park creators, and basically rips on everyone in Hollywood and the North Korean leader Kim Jong Il. Oh, and by the way, it is done entirely with marionette puppets, which makes it 100 times funnier.
But the story is that Kim Jong Il is planning to detonate hundreds of WMD's across the world and cause another world war. Gee, kind of sounds similar to what he is doing now, except now he is getting everyone's panties in a bunch by shooting off a bunch of test rockets. Which someday soon could possibly carry nuclear warheads. Nice.
South Korea and Japan are sweating the most, as expected with them being the closest neighbors that Kim Jong Il does not like.
Back to the movie.... The MPAA gave this film an R rating, accompanied with the specific explanation "For graphic crude and sexual behavior, violent images and strong language - all involving puppets." When you read that, don't you just want to laugh? Now, the film has a very detailed sex scene, well as detailed as you can get with 2 puppets with no genitalia, but it is so damn funny. This movie is so wrong, that it is SO funny. It pretty much makes fun of all of the Jerry Bruckheimer movies and rips on all of the political activists in Hollyweird.
Posted by
1:08 PM
Friday, July 14
Top 5 Fridays Just Doesn’t Get it
Today’s (late) edition of Top 5 Fridays is a think piece:
Top 5 Things to Make You Scratch Your Head and Wonder WTF?
5. Why anyone would defend - let alone encourage people to listen to - “She Thinks Tractor’s Sexy?”
This article was written by our new photographer, and in his defense, he’s a good guy and a hell of a shutterbug. But seriously... “She Thinks My Tractor’s Sexy?” Every time that song comes on in a bar, I’m about to commit a hate crime. And same goes for “I Love This Bar” (thanks to BPDP and Freckles, I hear it about 9.9 out of ten times I’m in a bar) Anyway, I can let the country music thing go, since Adam the photographer is also responsible for making the front of our sports section look like Maxim magazine today. Well, if Maxim and Barely Legal ran a newspaper is probably more accurate:To quote Wooderson, "That’s what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age."
And now I feel dirty.
4. What exactly is Lindsay Lohan’s new movie about anyway?
Seriously. (Image Not Safe For Work - unless you want to get some weird glances for your co-workers)
3. Will this be the goofiest baby ever?
The child will probably be talking out of it's ass before it learns to walk.
2. CNBC doesn’t have fact checkers?
Seriously, can you believe that “Pirates of the Carribbean” beat the box office record previously set by a movie that doesn’t exist? Hell, I can do that. There I just had someone give me a quarter. I have now made more money than every fake movie ever made.
1. "Little Man”
We have already talked about this. Thankfully Pirates will probably prevent it from being the number one movie in the country this weekend, but just knowing it’s out there makes me groan. If I were to meet someone and they said “I saw ‘Little Man’ on opening weekend,” I would know exactly everything I need to know about that person.
Posted by
3:51 PM
Wax figure?
Nope. This is a picture of the real Paris Hilton. Damn. can anyone think this woman is good looking? She looks like death in this picture, not that I ever thought she looked good in ANY picture, but you know what I mean.
As the caption on Golden Fiddle said:
"It looks like she hasn't slept (with anyone) in 10 days." NICE!
Posted by
12:55 PM
Wednesday, July 12
Wednesday Watcher
Did I ever mention that I LOVE when I have to work downtown? Not only for the change of scenery, and the time away from my cube in Hoffman, but I love watching people as I ride the train and walk to work.
What I saw today….
1. Saw a moron run in FRONT of the oncoming train at the Hanover Park station, as everyone on the platform GASPED and a few said “You idiot!” Even the conductor blared the horn, which could have actually caused him to be scared and fall, thus resulting in a nice view for all of us. Either way, the guy cut it really close.
2. This woman on the train was picking, no scratch that, DIGGING in her ear on the train, and when she was done, she looked at her finger and had this look of bewilderment. Almost like she was thinking to herself “What the HELL did I just pull out of my ear?!” Kinda gross.
3. The woman sitting next to me was sleeping like she had taken about 4 of the white sleeping pills. It was like as soon as she sat down, she was snoring. She was sleeping with her head on a bag against the window, mouth wide open and snoring quietly. The funny thing was when she woke up; she looked like someone smacked the side of her face with a meat tenderizer. She must have been sleeping on the zipper of the bag.
4. Again, the "homeless" people begging for money. I don’t want to say they are homeless, because I think they are all scammers and live a normal life behind that “act”. I say this because the guy I saw today was not 100% honest. Yeah he looked dirty, had on ragged clothes and holes in his shoes complete with the sign that said something like this:
“Thanks to Bush, I am no longer employed and have to sleep
out on the sidewalk and beg for money in order to eat”
Not verbatim, but close. All of that was good, but he forgot ONE little thing in his little scam….he forgot to take off his diamond earrings (at least a karat in each ear) and you could see his nice gold watch peaking out from under his coat. Nice try buddy.
5. Why do people have to get up and stand a whole stop before we get to Union Station? For those that don’t ride the train, it’s like this….
The last stop before Union Station on my route is Western Ave. Well when that stops, people get up and stand by the doors so they are ready when we get into the station, which is about 5 minutes more. When I say people, I don’t mean a few, it is more like 20-30.
Seriously, are they THAT excited to get to work? Or maybe running late? If so, why not take an earlier train. I am not complaining, just observing.
6. Lastly…was reading the paper of the guy in front of me, and saw this headline:
“Polish your manicure”
Now, this may be dumb, but the girl in the article looked Polish. Made me wonder what context the headline was written in… Was it implying Polish people are good at manicures? Or was it just saying to polish, or make brighter, your manicure? Then I got to thinking…..
What other words are spelled the same, but are pronounced and defined differently? Hmmmmmm………..
polish - adj : of or relating to Poland or its people or culture; "Polish sausage" [syn: Polish] n 1: the property of being smooth and shiny [syn: gloss, glossiness, burnish] 2: a highly developed state of perfection; having a flawless or impeccable quality
These are my daily thoughts for Wednesday, July 12, 2006. Think about them and discuss amongst yourselves.
Posted by
9:43 AM
Tuesday, July 11
The Dick is Dead!
Thank god this TOOL is finally gone off of the Chicago airwaves. I don't know about anyone else, but this guy annoyed the hell out of me.
Posted by
8:26 PM
Monday, July 10
Chris Pronger is whipped
Chris Pronger's wife obviously didn't like life in Edmonton last year. Edmonton had to part with it's prized possession on Monday, less than a year after signing him to a 5 yr deal. He is at the top of his game right now, but according to ESPN...
"But Chris Pronger and, by extension his wife, Lauren, made all of this personal with their shocking demand to be traded from the Stanley Cup finalist Edmonton Oilers in the hours after the Oil came within a whisker of winning it all. Multiple sources told the issue was simple -- Pronger's wife couldn't bear to spend another hockey season in Edmonton."
Damn, I wish Mama Slinger would say "Eric, I don't like Illinois, we need to move to Denver" But then again, I don't make millions a year, and I doubt AT&T would likely trade me to Denver for another "player to be named later" and cash.
Posted by
3:27 PM
The B.M.I. goes Gangsta
It's 2006 and 14 yrs after this album was released, it still stands as one of the best rap/hip-hop albums ever. Released in 1992 The Chronic by Dr. Dre is still fun to listen to.
I am not a huge fan of the hip hop scene, but when I was in college in 1992, this CD was heard coming from many dorm room windows, granted it was probably played by more white guys, but oh well.
I think this album really solidified Dr. Dre in the mainstream of music in general, everyone was liustening to this back in the day. I think I first heard it while riding in a BMW with 2 rich white guys from Barrington, IL. That's how powerful this CD was. Not to mention it gave everyone a good look/listen to Snoop Dog. These two worked so well together.
I am listening to this CD right now and in all honesty, this 14 yr old album is better than probably 90% of the hip-hop or rap music that is playing right now. This album was way ahead of it's time.
So I am not afraid to admit that I own this classic, and will listen to it on a regular basis. I may actually have to go look for some Snoop Dog tracks next, cuz you know, it ain't nothin but a G thang baby!
I also downloaded a few Tupac tracks - How do You want it? is an awesome song.
When I first met my buddy Lance we used to party at his place and have Tupac blasting on the stereo. I know, a couple of white guys, a Croatian dude and an Arab all jammin to some gangsta rap. Yeah, we were down with it!
Posted by
10:07 AM
Friday, July 7
Top 5 Fridays - You know...for kids!
You gotta love Coen Brothers movies. Whether they are played straight (the great “Miller’s Crossing”) or purely for laughs (“The Big Lebowski”), a movie bearing the signature of Joel and Ethan is always highly entertaining* and if you’re not careful you may learn a little something too. Like, wood chippers are multifunctional. Or that Dapper Dan is a superior pomeade to rival brand Fop. Here now, I present the
Top 5 Things I Have Learned From Coen Brothers Movies
5. Sir Edmund Hillary had help climbing Mount Everest.
from Intolerable Cruelty
Wrigley: Who are you looking for?
Miles: Tenzing Norgay.
Wrigley: Tenzing Norgay? That's someone she slept with?
Miles: I doubt it Tenzing Norgay was the Sherpa that helped Edmund Hillary climb Mt Everest.
Wrigley: And Marylin knows him.
Miles: No, you idiot. Not the Tenzing Norgay. Her Tenzing Norgay.
Wrigley: I'm not sure that I actually follow that.
Miles: Few great accomplishments are achieved single-handedly, Wrigley. Most have their Norgays. Marylin Rexroth is even now climbing her Everest. I wanna find her Norgay.
Wrigley: But how do you determine which of the people on here are...
Miles: How do you spot a Norgay?
Wrigley: Yeah.
Miles: You start with the people with the funny names.
4. Shabbos is a day of rest for followers of Judaism.
from The Big Lebowski
Walter Sobchak: I told those f*%@s down at the league office a thousand times that I don't roll on Shabbos!
Donny: What's Shabbos?
Walter Sobchak: Saturday, Donny, is Shabbos, the Jewish day of rest. That means that I don't work, I don't get in a car, I don't f*%@ing ride in a car, I don't pick up the phone, I don't turn on the oven, and I sure as shit don't f*%@ing roll! Shomer shabbos!
3. Sometimes, the blind can see...
from O Brother, Where Art Thou
Ulysses Everett McGill: The treasure is still there boys, believe me.
Delmar O'Donnell: But how'd he know about the treasure?
Ulysses Everett McGill: I don't know Delmar. The blind are reputed to possess sensitivities compensating for their lack of sight, even to the point of developing paranormal psychic powers. Now, clearly seeing into the future would fall neatly into that category; its not so surprising then that an organism deprived of its earthly vision...
Pete: He said we wouldn't get get it. He said we wouldn't get the treasure we seek on account of our ob-stac-les.
Ulysses Everett McGill: Well what the hell does he know, he's just an ignorant old man.
2. The proper way to get a smooth shave
from Miller's Crossing
Johnny Caspar: Ya put the razor in cold water, not hot—'cause metal does what in cold? . . . It contracts. 'At way you get a first-class shave.
1. Newborn babies need lots of shots
from Raising Arizona
DOT: ...and then there's diphtheria-tetanus, what they call dip-tet. You gotta get him dip-tet boosters yearly or else he'll get lockjaw and night vision. Then there's the smallpox vaccine, chicken pox and measles, and if your kid's like ours you gotta take all those shots first to get him to take 'em. Who's your pediatrician, anyway?
ED: We ain't exactly fixed on one yet. Have we Hi?
ED: ...No, I guess we don't have one yet.
DOT: Well you just gotta have one! You just gotta have one this instant!
ED: Yeah, what if the baby gets sick, honey?
DOT: Hi, even if he don't get sick he's gotta have his dip-tet!
ED: He's gotta have his dip-tet, honey.
*Intolerable Cruelty and The Ladykillers are the exceptions to the rule. They are merely “entertaining.”
Posted by
1:51 PM
News from the world of sports
Avalanche Sign Tyler Arnason - ex Blackhawk. And they also locked up Joe Sakic for another year.
Blackhawks Sign C Denis Arkhipov and G Patrick Lalime
Jim Thome is a god, and a blessing for the White Sox.
Cardinals try to stop the bleeding, but their luck continues to spiral downward with a loss to the Astros.
Broncos WR Ashley Lelie is a crybaby.
Bears agree to contracts with draft picks.
Did you seriously expect to see any info here?
Posted by
11:44 AM
Photo of the Day
This photo caught my eye on the NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day website.
Shows two sides of mother nature... the calm, serene side and the dark, powerful side.
Posted by
8:12 AM
Thursday, July 6
Hollywood chics are GROSS!
Seriously, why do these women think they look good this way?
Posted by
3:42 PM
MORE news you can't use....
This photo released by the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Department shows Cincinnati Reds pitcher Brian Shackelford in a police booking photo early Thursday, July 6, 2006, in Milwaukee, after being arrested on suspicion of third-degree sexual assault.
The 29-year-old baseball player was arrested shortly after midnight at Miller Park, where the Reds played the Milwaukee Brewers on Wednesday night, police spokeswoman Anne E. Schwartz said. She declined to provide details on the arrest other than to say it involved a woman Monday.
Ok, so in this day and age, everything has to be made into a movie. This one would more than likely end up on Lifetime, or ESPN2, but either way, I know EXACTLY who will play the lead roll...John C. Reilly! He is a dead ringer for the lead roll. He just needs to grow the little soul patch.
I can see it now...
Born in McAlester, OK. in 1976...Brian Shackelford grew up in a small town where baseball was everything......(fast forward to college yrs)....Once Brian got a taste of the college party life, his dark side began to show. He drank a lot and was often with a different girl every night, whether the girls wanted it or not. Drafted in 1998 by the Cincinnati Reds, he worked hard in the minor leagues, but he played hard also. He let the partying go a bit so he could focus on baseball, and in 2005, his efforts paid off. He made his MLB debut on June 26, 2005.
One year and 10 days later, he would be arrested for sexual assault in Milwaukee, his dream slowly falling apart.....
You know how these movies are...happy beginning, leading into the dark transition to BAD guy, then the obvious fall downward... I've seen it a hundred times. But, makes for GOOD TV!
Well, it's that time again...San Fermin - The Running of the Bulls. The ceremony begins today with the actual even taking place tomorrow.Get out your white jump suits, red belts and red scarfs, it's time to HAVE SOME FUN!
After Thursday's official sanction, it will be nine days of drinking, drinking, and more drinking. Oh, and a daily dash down the cobblestone streets ahead of the lethal horns of six 3/4-ton bulls.
(Actually, maybe McGone, BPDP and I should book our flights now!)
Don't these people look like they are having a BLAST?!
Why anyone would do this, is beyond me. Oh's probably the alcohol that makes them think they are FASTER than the 3/4 ton bull!
Posted by
1:24 PM
News You Can't Use
You know it will be a movie:
Two bitter archrivals find themselves joining forces to take down another group that threatens to destroy one of them from within. The FBI go undercover to blow the lid off of a $1.5 million coke deal.
Ooops... I meant "Coke" deal, with a capital C.
I imagine that the inevitable movie will star Paul Walker as "Pepsi" and Jackie Chan as "Coke"
Some Lovin' For The Idiot Box
Emmy nominations were announced this morning and Jack Bauer does what he always does... He kicked a little ass. 12 nominations for '24,' including two nominations for the most dysfunctional first family ever. Keifer got a Best Actor nod, but is going up against Denis Leary. I can't play favorites.
>cough< Keifer >cough<
I like to think Keifer was so excited when he heard this that he went and tackled a Christmas Tree.
In the comedy category, "Arrested Development" gets some posthumous love and has some great company with "The Office," "Curb Your Enthusiasm" and "Scrubs," but the which-one-of-these-is-not-like-the-other entry - "Two and Half Men" will of course be the shoo-in.
There was no love for "Lost" this year (damn you all), but on the plus side it would seem that most Emmy voters have come to their senses and realized that "Desperate Housewives" is a smoldering pile of crap. Eva Longoria in lingerie plus Teri Hatcher falling down does not equal good TV.
Well, maybe if it was just Eva in lingerie for the whole hour.
Posted by
12:53 PM
Testing Links
One two, one two, this is just a test. One two, one two, this is just...a.... test.
I am testing the ability to put a link in this page while labeling it. Check out the Eslinger Kids page for some updated pictures.
Posted by
11:28 AM
My Promise To You
To the movie-going public of America,
I swear to Jebus, if I wake up on Monday, July 17th and find out the number one movie in America is "Little Man," I will personally find those of you who saw it on opening weekend and smack the taste out of your mouths. I'll kick you when you're down, and then I'll go to work on you. And if I find out that not only did you see "Little Man" on opening weekend, but you have also never seen a single episode of "Arrested Development," well, no court in this great land of ours will hold me accountable for the smackdown I shall bring to your humorless ass.
This is my promise to you.
Posted by
11:06 AM
Wednesday, July 5
DAGSEARCH 2006-Lost and Found!
No sooner does the Bureau of Miscellaneous Information ask the public (all 3 of you that read the site) for help than Daggett himself comes out of hiding. Turns out he was over in Namibia helping Angelina Jolie adopt another baby. Good for you, Dagelina! Now Mark and his other family are safe and sound in Utah, doing Utah things in a Utah way. Thanks for all your help faithful readers!
Posted by
11:23 AM
Fro for Show!
I know the 4 loyal readers of the BMI are not NBA fans, let alone Bulls fans, however this may change things....
The Bulls swept in and landed the biggest fish in the NBA free agency market Monday night by basically stealing Ben Wallace from the Detroit Pistons. Finally, a move the Bulls' fans can be proud of. The Bulls have basically had a hole in the center position for a few years now, and Big Ben will fill that hole.
This dude is a 4 time NBA Defensive Player of the Year, that has to spill over to the Bulls young squad, I hope. I may actually tune in for a few games next season, if only to see how big the Fro is, or how many corn rows he has it tucked into.
Stupid NHL,OLN and DISH Networks.... Last year NHL left ESPN and moved over to OLN, which at the time, I could not get on my DISH programming, unless I upgraded and paid more $$. Well now that the NHL season is over, guess what DISH did? You got it, they now have included OLN in the lower programming packages, Nice huh? So we will have to wait and see what happens when the NHL starts up again, and see if I really tune in to watch any games, given the fact that the Blackhawks SUCKED last year.
Jose, can you see........the ball?
On May 26, 1993, a long fly ball by Indians' Carlos Martinez bounces off Jose Canseco's head and goes over fence for a home run.
I thought of this today after reading that Jose Canseco is playing with San Diego Surf Dawgs minor league team, and still talking smack about how baseball is plotting to destroy him. Seriously, hasn't this guy done enough to ruin his own image?
What a tool.
Posted by
10:16 AM
Tuesday, July 4
Discovery in Orbit
Discovery blasted off from its seaside pad Tuesday at 2:38 p.m EDT.
Yeah, I am a dork when it comes to this just fascinates me. I have always been interested in space and the shuttle, so it should be no surprise that last night I was watching NASA TV for over an hour.
It was really cool, they were showing all kinds of footage that you normally would not see on the news. Showed footage from the handhelp cameras the astronauts were using during the lift-off, and also showed live feeds from the robotic arm camera. Got to see a nice close-up of the Australian coast.
Anyway, let's hope they make it back safe this time and we can finally stop worrying about foam debris!
Posted by
8:45 PM
Happy 4th o' July!
If you love America, punch a nazi today!
And if you're so inclined to learn something - even on a holiday - it would be important to note that Captain America is bitch slappin' Hitler a full 8 months before America ever entered DubyaDubya2. And as a comic artist, I have to remind you to factor production time into that little factoid.
Captain America... bringing the smack down on terrorism for the better part of a century.
Posted by
10:36 AM
Monday, July 3
The Bureau of Miscellaneous Information is asking for the public's help in locating Mark Daggett, who packed up his family and moved to Salt Lake City, Utah on June 17th, never to be heard from again. Repeated calls by McGone and Special Bureau of Miscellaneous Information Correspondent BPDP have turned up nothing but a voicemail message. So if you have any leads on where Daggett and his clan may have gone to, please drop a line in the comment section directly below.
Age: 33
Name: Mark
Nicknames: Dag, Biscuits
Height: About yay tall
Weight: About yay wide
Likes: Sunsets, long walks on the beach, beer
Dislikes: The wind
Posted by
12:56 PM